Shutdown Command is a simple application that allows to automate shutdown, restart or log-off operations of your computer. Its main feature is the possibility of performing the above-listed functions not only for your system, but also for any remote computer in the network. Just add the name of the computer or its IP address into a special list and define action preferences.
By the way, Shutdown Command has a very intuitive interface which is represented by only one small window. This window contains a range of options for customizing shutdown, restart and log-off actions. For example, you can create a schedule for a daily shutdown or restart at a certain time. Each shutdown event can be provided with the user-defined text message. This application allows forced closing of all the running applications before shutdown. Be careful with this feature in order not to lose the unsaved information.
The only disadvantage of Shutdown Command is that it can't be minimized to system tray. This means that if you want to use shutdown schedule feature you can only minimize it with other windows into taskbar which is really inconvenient when you have many active applications.